Backyard Bite


When you look beyond the basic Portland travel guides, you'll discover that there is so much more to explore in Oregon. It's a place to...

Why do Hawaiians Eat So Much Spam??? In this episode of Quest for the Fest, I link up with Bitsy Kelley, the co-founder of the Waikiki Spam Jam,...

Knock, Knock. Who's There? It's Your Coffee. Imagine if your local record shop mailed you hand-selected records each month. The box comes to your door,...

New Orleans really knows how to party. One of my all-time favorite festivals ever attended was the French Quarter Festival, just one of the MANY events...

Meet the California Avocado. Avocado. AKA the Alligator Pear (because of her pear shape and green skin), but you probably know her better as... Guacamole. Avo-toast. Or, that...

The city of Portland provided the backdrop for four days of music, dancing, food and film as chef and restaurateur John Gorham and his team...

The epitome of Portland food. Fresh. Hyper local. Now. When people outside of Oregon ask me to describe what "Portland food" is like I think...

A foodie friend of mine recently came to visit me in Portland and was (rightly) BLOWN AWAY by the wing's at Pok Pok. I...

LANGBAAN · 6 S.E. 28th Ave. Portland, OR · Seated to my left at the chef’s counter, is a couple who looks like they are on...