The Delicious Dumpling Food Tour Presented by Six Taste

I met my friend Michael Lin about 3 years ago when he was my tour guide on my very first tour with the Los Angeles based food tour company Six Taste. It’s a tad bittersweet that he ask me to help him promote his final tour before heading off to other culinary adventures on the East Coast.


On my tour, I was introduced to new restaurants and new flavors I had never had before – and to this day, I tell people about it and encourage them to try a tour for themselves. Michael is incredibly well-spoken and knowledgable about not only the foods you will eat, but also the cultural and historical influences as well. If you’ve never been on a food tour before, or never visited Arcadia for its popular Chinese and Taiwanese bakeries and restaurants, then you are in for a real treat.

Check out Six Taste, do the Delicious Dumpling Tour and wish Michael Lin a deliciously fond farewell – all the while devouring some really tasty dumplings, Taiwanese street food and pastries.

Watch what you can expect:

Get your ticket here:

The details:

  • Meeting location: in front of JJ Bakery in Arcadia
  • Start time: 9:30 a.m. – please arrive early to find parking
  • End time: est. 1:30 p.m., no later than 2:00 p.m.
  • Meals: five stops, 18+ dishes, including Din Tai Fung famous juicy pork dumplings, local Taiwanese street food, fresh baked breads and pastries, beverages and desserts (tour is heavy on pork; also uses shrimp, soy, wheat, peanuts, grapefruit)
  • Max no. of guests is 10; expected full occupancy – book early
  • Tour venue subject to change, but guests will be notified in advance


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