Coffee Delivery to Your Door! Moustache Coffee Club Review

A small little box appeared on my doorstep with the words MOUSTACHE printed all over. Apparently, Christmas had come early for me because what was inside was a bag of freshly roasted coffee from the Moustache Coffee Club!


What it is: The Moustache Coffee Club is a coffee curation club. They curate packages of amazing, freshly roasted, single origin coffee beans which are ethically harvested and sourced from local LA roasters. What you’ll get are in-season, premium quality coffee beans (lightly to medium roasted) delivered weekly (or every other week) right to your doorstep.

Why I love it: As their motto on their website states, “Cause there’s no line in your mailbox.”

Life is jam packed, full of busy, busy time suckers – work, family, did I mention work?? If there’s a service that can save me some time and give me one less thing to think about, I’m all for it.

Personally, I go into panic mode when the beans in my house start to run low and dipping into my reserves of less-than-fresh coffee in my pantry simply doesn’t cut it. Usually, I’ll pick up a bag of Stumptown or Coava (two of my faves) from my local cafes but when I forget, or simply don’t have the hours in the day, I can definitely see the appeal of having a coffee delivery service. Compared to the over-the-counter cost of other third-wave quality roasters (e.g. Intelligentsia, Handsome, Blue Bottle, etc.) and the fact that it’s delivered right to your door – the price of the service is super reasonable!


What you recieve:

In my package, I received beans from Portola Coffee Lab with a little card of information about the origin, tasting notes and date on which it was roasted. Also, I got a little letter from the owners of MCC with more background info about the region from where the beans were source and why they picked it.

Why a Moustache?

The owners came to notice that many of the male baristas in Los Angeles had moustaches — so they started to associate good coffee with moustaches! A hilariously true observation! My only complaint was that I wish my package included an actual moustache so I could have one of my very own to rock while drinking!

Interlude: How to make coffee Chemex style

A Chemex Method from hufort on Vimeo.

Why you should do the grind:

I like that the beans from Moustache Coffee Club came whole and not pre-ground. I have a mid-level Burr grinder and I absolutely love being able to grind the beans just before making my cup in the morning. It’s truly changed the way I drink my coffee. It only takes about 8 seconds and makes all the difference in taste.

When you make a pour over or french press at home, you really want to use the freshest beans.  Also, when the roast is high quality and light, you can drink it up black without any need for creamer – it’s just that yummy. You get to taste all the little nuances and flavors in the cup and can truly enjoy it the way it was meant to be. I found the beans I got from MCC to be just right.


Ok, now your turn:

Friends of Backyard Bite, use this link to receive $5 off your order!

Also makes a great gift idea for that coffee lover in your life!



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