Product Review: Keurig Home Brewing System

As a self proclaimed coffee snob, I love my third wave (Stumptown, Coava, Handsome etc.) pour overs as much as the next Hipster. That being said, I never thought I’d end up with one of those Keurig coffee machines.

I was contacted by the company a couple of weeks ago which emailed me a cryptic “we would like to send you something in the mail.” Uhhh ok, I had no idea what they would be sending me… coupons? Are they doing instant coffee cubes now or something? I really wasn’t sure.

Lo and behold on my doorstep arrived this… A giant box and inside a classic K-Cup Keurig coffee maker.

I had to call my friends and family right away (anyone who I knew would be super jealous) and let them know of my good fortune. I would later learn that as part of their #brewthelove campaign coffee lovers across the nation were sent a brewer too and were encouraged to try the product and “brew the love.” 

The brewer was surprisingly easy to set up, and I couldn’t wait to give this puppy a test drive. I made a light breakfast blend packet from Green Mountain Coffee and I must say, it was pretty darn tasty.

The next day, I made green tea which came out as you would expect from a tea bag, only no steeping required. It was ready in less than a minute. Also, I found that when I was in a hurry early the next  morning, I swiftly made made myself a cup of coffee and I didn’t have to worry about the kettle waking up my sleeping counterpart.

That night, some hot chocolate.

Some thoughts: I’m partial to my hot chocolate with milk and not water, and I’m pretty sure you can’t put milk in this thing. So for now, I think I’ll stick to the tea and coffee. Also this particular machine only does teas, coffee and hot chocolate – not espresso or cappuccinos or anything like that. However, they do have other machines in their product line that do that sort of thing. This one is pretty entry level, but it does have a built-in timer, so you can have your cup ready-made as soon as you wake up. As for the flavors and various “brands”, I preferred the light roast blends as they had the best taste and were least “chemically.”

I will probably still prefer my snobby pour overs and maybe even my coffee sock and french press, but I could definately find uses for this thing. Perhaps as an after dinner cup with some friends, hot apple cider for when the weather starts to drop and perhaps a quick fix for those hurried 6 AM work wake up calls.

My boyfriend keeps trying to steal it and take it with him to the office! Sorry Bub! Get your own!


  1. Wow!! You totally scored with that! I’ve tried the hot chocolate, and it’s definitely not worth drinking more than once, but you cannot beat the convenience for a cup of coffee. We don’t have one but I love making them at other people’s houses 🙂

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