90 minutes of my life. In a line.

Recently I found myself waiting in line.

A ridiculously long line.

For dessert.

Indeed, it was a very good desert. But was it worth the wait?

I knew I was going to be waiting for while and it got me thinking; why in the world do we, (foodies, Angelenos, humans) spend countless hours of our lifetime standing around waiting for the hope of something “special.” Whether it’s for opening weekend movie tickets (Twilight anyone?), a secret Paul McCartney show at Amoeba records (I’d give my right arm), to dance in a club (gotta make friends with those door guys!), Tacos from a truck (Roy Choi is doing something right!) or in this case, to get a scoop of ice cream.

Twice I have waited in this particular line (upwards of 90 mins!) to try ice cream and cupcakes at the newly opened Sprinkles Ice Cream shop in Beverly Hills. Wow. Why!? It’s crazy good, but still, it’s ice cream for peets sake!

I began to wonder, what are some other, more productive things could I could have done at that moment that would possibly make for a better use of my time… Instead of ya know, standing in line for an hour and thirty-two minutes for food on a Sunday night.

Here’s a few things I came up with:

  1. Hike a trail (the hard one on the left) at Runyon Canyon (about 1hour 15 minutes).
  2. Take a yoga class (most are 90 minutes long).
  3. Go watch The Dictator  (running time: 1 hour 23 minutes)
  4. Plant a tree (about an hour?)
  5. Catch up on the phone with my mom, dad, brother, grandmother, and old friend, etc…
  6. Write a blog post (45 min to an hour)
  7. Paint my kitchen. (90 minutes + dry time)
  8. Attend a dance class. Salsa anyone? (60-90 minutes)
  9. Learn a language. Listen to lessons 1, 2 and 3 of my Rosetta Stone Spanish CD. (83 mins)
  10. Make a batch of ice cream at home! (Okay, this would take a little longer than an hour and a half – you know freezing time and all, but it sure would be more rewarding – and I’d have some for later too!)

I guess we do it because we want to feel like we are in the know. We do it because it’s cool to be elite or to be the first to do something. We do it because our priorities are a bit backwards and we are lazy (yes, there I said it). And we do it because we love to love things. Such is life.

Tell me: What would you do with your 90 minutes??


  1. That is NUTS. I could’ve churned fresh tart froyo for you in 20min. TWENTY MINUTES. Ready to eat. Sage honey w/ lavender, strawberry with basil, white peach with thyme!

    Churning DLeb’s non-egg “philly style” ice cream also takes way, WAY less than 1.5 hours. I have railyard stout & rosemary olive oil that comes out great in an hour flat (20min prep, 20min in pre-chilled ice cream machine, 20min freezing time).

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