Prometheus Springs Elixirs, LA, NY and Nationwide

One of the tastiest and (literally) HOTTEST organic drink companies that is getting a lot of buzz as of late is the relatively newish company, Prometheus Springs. They specialize in exclusively “spicy” elixirs that are sure to knock your socks off. Their website touts that they are the “first everyday non-alcoholic refreshment based on Capsaicin, offering a health conscious drink alternative.”

Think Honest Teas on ‘roids.

I discovered them when I was eating at a local deli, and was instantly intrigued by their Pomegranate Black Pepper Elixir. Sipping my fruit and spice infused drink “chilled for a refreshing kick,” as the bottle suggests, I was immediately blown away. I had never had anything like it before. I suddenly had the urge to call my dad to tell him about it… he LOVES spicy stuff.

My first experience with Prometheus Springs went a little something like this:


First sip: Oh. Wow. This is, different…

Second sip: I can subtly taste the fruit but…

Third sip: The back of my throat and my tongue are on fire!…

Fourth sip:  And… I’m kinda loving it…

Fifth sip: Whew! Ok, Omg. I need a little break now…

30 seconds later…

Six sip: Ooh, now this would make a great cocktail!


I was hooked. And also compelled to learn more….

After reading a blurb on their website and learning about all the drinks benefits, I was like Snapple who? This is my new jam. I like that you can serve it up a variety of ways for different effects; ice cold (maximum spice), warm (soothing when you are sick), or mix to make other drinks or cook with it.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a chronically cold blooded person. My nickname in college was The Ice Queen. As I was drinking this beverage, I could feel my body internally warming up. I also became naturally elated. A “natural high” of sorts… It was weird, neat and pretty awesome all at once.

The secret to the spice comes from a chili pepper extract called capsaicin. I was sent this blurb about it from the company…

“Capsaicin is extracted from Chili Peppers, a colorless natural antioxidant which is highly regarded as a natural medical alternative and a highly discussed source of natural medicine by many leading Physicians.  Capsaicin is used to assist in the treatment of Headaches, Arthritis, Sinus relief and nerve soothers…”

The name of the company makes total sense when you learn the origins. It stems from the fearless Greek titan who, for the benefit of humanity, stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind. Sweet, thanks Prometheus!

Now that I’ve piqued your interest, Prometheus Springs can be bought online and at various Whole Foods and independent natural foods stores nationally. They launched in 2009 with three flavors: Pomegranate Black Pepper (my favorite!), Lemon Ginger (great for colds!) and Lychee Wasabi (drinking wasabi!? Whoa!).

Then, in 2011, they added three new flavors: Mango Chili (fruity and hot), Citrus Cayenne (the spiciest yet!) and Spicy Pear (a milder burn) to add to their already spicy hot stable of drinks.

If you like a good kick to your beverage, do try them out.

Here’s a short video describing my drink experience…

** Photos courtesy of Prometheus Springs.


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