Paper or Plastik Cafe, West Los Angeles

· 5772 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90019 · Neighborhood: West Los Angeles ·

Amazing find! This independently owned coffee joint, sits on the corner of Ogden and Pico (at Fairfax) and is barely a year old. For those of you who know this lack luster area, a great coffee shop has been much needed ’round these parts. Well, here it is! ’bout time!

They offer free wifi and a hip decor to chill and zone out on your computer. Every table has its very own hipster plugged in and sipping their pour over made to order brew. It’s very quiet and therefore, a good place to study and hang for an hour or two or four. FYI, street parking in the neighborhood is 2 hours max, so you gotta remember to do the car dance and move your car to the other side of the street. The music is mellow in Nick Drake or Beatles White Album fashion. The decor is industrial with exposed rafters, brick and pipes. I wish I lived in a loft as pimp as this.

Ben, the barista (do they call them baristos?) was super nice and informative and was patient with me while I picked his brain and asked him 20 questions about the new establishment.

They have a small but good little food selection with treats from local establishments like Cake Monkey Sweets for the SoulSweet Lady Jane, and Le Pain du Jour to name a few. Items like pre-made quiches’, chilis’, salads, baguette sandwiches, croissants or even strawberry pie are available to snack on.

They serve Intelligentsia Coffee and Ecco Caffe and serve individually crafted pourover coffees. D’lish!

Prices are pretty steep. At $4.25 for an 8 oz mocha I quietly gulped and smiled as I handed over my greens. You get what you pay for though, the cup is rich, thick and perfectly brewed. You’ll like this place.

BYB Tip:  Don’t forget to bring your KCRW card. You’ll get a little discount!



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