Top 10 Reasons to visit Lindy and Grundy

· 801 N Fairfax Ave · Los Angeles, CA 90046 · Neighborhood · Mid-City West/West Hollywood ·

Here is my Top Ten List about why you should know (and LOVE) Lindy and Grundy, LA’s hottest new female butchers:

#10. All the cool foodie kids are doing it. These gals have been tracked by The Huffington Post, Good Food, Cool Hunting, LA Eater and all the relevant LA food blogs for at least the past year. Just Google their name and a plethora of information about them pops up. Everyone in the West LA area that I’ve chatted up this week seemed to have at least heard of them. I mean, how do you NOT notice two female, tattooed, butchers with bright red lipstick moving into West Hollywood? In just their opening week alone they sold out of 3 whole steer, 9 pigs, 7 lambs and 200 chickens. I settled for 2 hearty pork chops, (which were delicious, by the way).

#9. They are SUPER nice. Hmm, ok when I think of a butcher, I usually think of an old, hairy, mustached man in a white wife-beater t-shirt, apron and dripping carcass blood. Kinda like this guy.

These gals are definitely NOT THIS GUY. Lindy and Grundy are 21rst century, hip, rocker-hot and most assuredly NOT scary! On the contrary, they are super friendly and willing and ready and to answer any questions you might have.

Amelia (Lindy) and Erika (Grundy) may be wielding knives, but they are all smiles and quick to welcome you into their shop. I inquired about some “Mint Jelly” that looked oddly interesting and Lindy opened up a jar and gave me a taste. See? Not scary!

#8. They get local. Everything other than their lamb comes from within 150 miles from their Los Angeles shop. They are all small, multi-generational family farms in the California area. Rancho San Julian beef, Reride Ranch porkSonoma Direct lamb and Rainbow Ranch Farms chicken to name a few. L&G carry only pastured meats from animals raised on these small, local, sustainable ranches.  Rest assured your dinner will have never been given antibiotics or hormones (unless your medicine cabinet accidentally explodes in your kitchen). Plus, these puppies have a strictly vegetarian diet!

#7. They don’t waste the beef. After an eight month apprenticeship on the art of butchering at Fleisher’s Grass-Fed and Organic Meats in upstate New York, they learned a true philosophy of whole animal utilization and nose to tail butchery—a skill that not many people can do these days.

#6. It’s a family business. Yep! They are married to each other. Aww, that’s just sweet.

#5. They plan on teaching you their secrets. Stay tuned, once they’ve hit their stride, they will be offering programs at Lindy & Grundy to share their knowledge. Their philosophy is that meat should not be intimidating. They want you to know where your meat comes from and be proud of it. They inspire their customers to support local California agriculture and small farms. Right on!

#4. They used to be Vegetarian. Wait, whaaa!? Former vegetarians. Amelia jumped the fence and started eating meat after 14 years of being a Vegetarian. However, after she learned about the many injustices in American “industry” farming, she became an activist in helping to teach America how to eat sustainably.

To quote the great Miley Cyrus, “That’s pretty Cool!”

#3. They take their time. Sustainable, grass-fed animals take a bit longer to mature (average 7 months). However, their butchering process employs dry aging methods to create a more robust flavor.  The end product is far superior to factory raised commodity meats.

#2. Your cow, lamb, chicken or pig was treated very nicely. Pasture raised animals are treated much better than animals raised in feedlots.  The animals that end up at L&G are treated in a humane and ethical way. These ladies encourage respect between their clients, ranchers, and animals.  They made it a point to visit all the farms, which supply their meats to ensure that the animals’ receive special care and attention in the way that they are handled, transported, and processed.

…and the #1 reason you should love Lindy and Grundy…..

#1. They are Women Butchers! Need I say more?


Lindy and Grundy is located at:

801 N Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Neighborhoods: Mid-City West, West Hollywood



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